ISCAS Proceedings Available for Download by ISCAS Registrants

The ISCAS 2022 Proceedings are available for download by all ISCAS registrants for those that want to view papers in advance.  The proceedings are  in a large zipped file that contains all manuscripts for the conference as well as information about activities that will be included in the ISCAS Program Guide.  Registrants should have receive an email message on May 20 from IEEE ISCAS Conference Registrar with subject  “ISCAS 2022 Proceedings”.   If for any reason you have registered for the conference  and do not receive this email message by May 22, please send a message to [email protected] and the email message will be resent.    The proceedings, the slide supplements, and recordings of all presentations will also be available on the Conflux virtual presentation platform for all participants from Friday May 27 through June 30.    For those attending in-person, a printed copy of the ISCAS Program Guide and a flash drive containing the conference proceedings will be provided at the registration desk.