Grand Challenge on Neural Network-based Video Coding

To foster the research in neural network-based video coding, including end-to-end and hybrid schemes this emerging field and provide a benchmark, a Grand Challenge (GC) will be organized by the Visual Signal Processing and Communications CASS Technical Committee. In this GC, different neural network-based coding schemes will be evaluated according to their coding efficiency and innovations in methodologies. Two tracks will be evaluated, including the hybrid and end-to-end solutions. In the hybrid solutions, deep network-based coding tools shall be used with traditional video coding schemes. In the end-to-end solutions, the whole video codec system shall be built primarily upon deep networks. Participants shall express their interest to participate in this Grand Challenge by sending an email to the organizer Dr. Yue Li ([email protected]) and are invited to submit their proposals as ISCAS papers selecting the track Visual Signal Processing and Communications. The papers will be regularly reviewed and, if accepted, must be presented at ISCAS 2022.

ByteDance will sponsor the awards of this grand challenge. The winner of each award will receive a USD5000 prize; details can be found at